Author: Marianne Curley

Best known for her international, award-winning series The Guardians of Time, which is now four books - The Named, The Dark, The Key and THE SHADOW. Her other books include the internationally acclaimed Old Magic and her re-worked Avena Series - Hidden, Broken and Fearless. Marianne is currently working on her new Young Adult Paranormal Fantasy, and Young Adult Contemporary Fiction.

When You Get A Review Like This…

Review of The Shadow

By Daphne, as found on Goodreads on 9th April, 2018

How poetic is it that a series about time travel made me travel back to my childhood.
I was 8 when The Key was published in 2005, but I only discovered the trilogy when I was 10. I remember I found the first two books at my local bookstore, translated copies of my mother tongue language. I bought the first one, thinking it seemed interesting. I started reading it at night when I was in my bed, and soon after my mom started coming to my room every five minutes telling me to turn off the lights, it’s past my bedtime. When she seemed too mad to argue with anymore, I turned off the light, waited for her footsteps to die down, then went under covers with a flashlight, the way every child should. The next day I demanded my mom to go to the bookstore and get me the second one.

Group shot 1AA

When I was done with the first two, I made my mom take me to every bookstore in our area, searching for the third. When we couldn’t find the translated version, we ordered it off amazon, in English. It was the first English book I read. I remember having a dictionary open next to me, but as it turned out I didn’t need it much. I read it secretly under my desk at school the next day, and I finished it by that night. And in the following eleven years, I’ve read it countless many times, so much so that the covers of the books are torn apart, there are years old chocolate stains on the pages, and ripped corners from where I doggy eared my page. Every time my dad saw the books on my nightstand, he would chuckle and say, “these, again?”.

I ordered The Shadow off amazon on Thursday, and received it six hours ago. I’m 21 now, alone in a college dorm with no mother near me telling me I should be studying instead, but as soon as I laid my hands on it, I ran into bed, went under covers, and started reading. From the very first sentence, I was back in my childhood room, with my stuffed dolphin under my arm, diving into this world in childlike wonder.

When I read the part in the first chapter where Ethan says “it’s been one week since the final battle” I actually teared up. It hasn’t been a week, it’s been 13 years. 13 years since the final book was published, and 11 years since I became a part of the Named. But then, it feels as though it really was only a week ago. I remember so vividly finding the first book in the bookstore; I remember exactly which corner of the store it was in, on which shelf. I even remember what the cashier looked like. I remember it so well, it could not have been more than a week ago. There’s nothing more effective than reading the books you grew up with to be transported to the time when you first found them.

What I’m trying to say is, thank you for the trilogy, and thank you for this additional book, which let me be the one doing the time traveling, and not just the one reading about it. It’s been a pleasure growing up with your books.

My Reply

Dear Daphne

What can I say to your heartfelt and eloquent review, except that you brought me to tears, and made every moment of the two years I spent writing The Shadow, worth it.

Thank you.

Marianne Curley


Hello everyone! Today, here in Australia it’s the 10th of March, 2018 and the official release day of The Guardians of Time Series, Book IV, THE SHADOW. Only… in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and many other countries the day is still Friday the 9th, the day before the official release day. So I decided to celebrate the end of the count down now, and tomorrow. Or, you could just say, all weekend.


The best place to purchase The Shadow is from Amazon in the country you’re ordering from, such as Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Spain, and so forth. In Amazon Australia, only the E-book is available at the moment, but the paperback should be available from soon. 


I’ve been asked about a playlist. We all have such different tastes in music, and because I wrote The Shadow over two years, I added and removed songs all the time. This link is to my Golden Oldies Playlist, which I listened to during my latter editing stages. 

Golden Oldies for Nostalgia and Easy Listening



Some of you have asked for a signed copy of The Shadow. I’m always happy to sign your books. That’s one of the reasons I’m delighted to be participating as a guest writer at the Gold Coast Supanova Comic Con and Gaming Event in April. It’s always fun and a great place to sign books and chat with readers, not to mention seeing the parade of dressed-up costumes on display. But if you can’t come to GC Supanova on April 28 and 29, there is another way to have your new book signed. Here is my email address.

Email:  woman-typing-writing-windows.jpg

Write to me with the subject heading SIGNED BOOK and let me know what country you are from, and I will get back to you with the details to make this happen.


I have been collecting Pins for so long now I can’t remember how many years ago I started. I loved Pinterest from my first introduction to the site. Below is the link to my Pinterest Boards page. From there you can check out any or all of my boards, such as my Books boards, including one called: “Books – The Guardians of Time Books 1, 2, 3 and 4”.

Marianne’s Pinterest Boards

So before I end this blog post, I want to say a big thank you to you all. Without you, the beautiful souls you are for loving my characters and coming on this amazing journey with me, my life would not be so fulfilled right now, my heart not so overflowing. I hope you enjoy spending some time with The Guard and The Order, the new and the old. Feel free to put up your reviews. Your honest opinion is important to me. 

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The Shadow
Marianne Curley

The battle is over. The war is won. The prophecy complete.

But life can’t just pick up where it left off for Ethan. Struggling to cope with the death of his soulmate, at odds with his friends in the Guard, he finds himself adrift, jumping at shadows and sensing someone who can’t possibly be there.

Blaming herself for Lathenia’s death, Jesilla swears to avenge her mother and fulfil her final plans. But she hadn’t planned to fall in love. And that leaves her with an impossible choice – should she follow her heart, or the parental strings of a Goddess short on praise but high on expectation that continues to pull on her from the grave?

The Guard and the Order battle through the past and into an impossible future where darkness lurks at every step.

Released on March 10, 2018, the long-awaited fourth book in The Guardians of Time Series is now available on NetGalley for interested Bloggers to review. Just click on The Shadow cover below for a direct link, and please leave an honest review.

Two years in the planning and twelve in the making, Marianne Curley intended to write the fourth book to The Guardians of Time Series immediately after the release of the The Key in 2004, but that was the same year Marianne was diagnosed with Myelofibrosis, bone marrow cancer, and had to take time off to have a stem-cell, bone marrow transplant. It was eight years before Marianne returned to the publishing world with a new trilogy, inspired by her health experience called The Avena Series. Today, Marianne is fourteen years cancer free, and her new book, The Shadow, fulfils a long-awaited promise to both herself and her readers.


Old Magic 

The Named | The Dark | The Key | The Shadow 

Hidden | Broken | Fearless

Counting Down – Six Days to the Release of THE SHADOW

FireworksI can’t believe after all this time there are only six days until The Shadow is unleashed on the world. It seems surreal that next weekend, on Saturday, The Shadow will be available for purchase. It could be in your hands in one week’s time. In e-book or paperback, The Shadow will be selling from most bookstores, predominantly Amazon and other online stores in whatever country you happen to live. And all I can say right now is… happy reading everyone. But, wait, there’s more I want to tell you.



For all of you Spanish readers, I have wonderful news. I recently made an arrangement with an awesome Spanish translator who will begin working on translating The Shadow into Spanish beginning this coming April. I will keep you informed of her progress, but all going well, the Spanish translation of Guardians Four, The Shadow, could be available late in 2018 or thereabouts.

I’m still looking for translators in other countries  too, where The Guardians of Time books have become well-loved. Some of these countries include Germany, Turkey, Poland, Finland, Russia and of course the Czech Republic. Drop me a message  if you are a professional translator and native to one of these countries. Email is best for me:

Speaking of people I’m looking for, if you are a Blogger  who has also read the Guardians of Time Books 1, 2 and 3, and would like to review The Shadow, you can now go to NetGalley and download an e-book edition in exchange for an honest review. If you have any problems finding The Shadow on NetGalley, email me privately for a direct link.

Plenty more to come in the final days of this countdown, so stay tuned.

Black Bearded Iris


A Page from The Shadow in Isabel’s View



Marianne Curley

The countdown continues, with only 14 days left until The Shadow is released on March 10, 2018.

The battle is over.  The war is won.  The prophecy complete.


The Shadow Cover Every time I look at Ethan my heart aches. He’s so broken up, it’s killing him. And I foresaw Rochelle’s death in a vision. I knew how it was going to happen, just not when. I should have stayed closer to her. I would have recognized signs. She’d still be alive today if I’d done my job right. I can’t let it go. The guilt is eating at me.
    Then there’s Arkarian keeping things from me. Where did he go these last few days? Why doesn’t he let me into his personal life? Doesn’t he trust me anymore? Love and trust go together. Without one, the other doesn’t exist.
    Jimmy waits until we have our backpacks on and hard hats fastened before he starts the lift. With the door shut, a mildew smell makes me want to hold my breath. The lift drops only a few meters before it jerks to a sudden stop, knocking us against each other. Dust fills the cabin space and hangs in the air. As Jimmy gets the lift going again Neriah’s hand reaches for mine.
    A sudden bright light that has nothing to do with being in a bumpy, fast-dropping lift flashes before my eyes, making my head throb. I groan, alarming both Neriah and Jimmy. I lift my hands to indicate that I’m all right, but the light rapidly becomes too bright to bear and the ache so fierce I tug at my hard-hat needing to get it off, but my fingers struggle with the fastener.
    ‘Whoa there, girl. Let me do that.’ Jimmy gets it off fast.
    ‘What’s happening, Jimmy?’ Neriah asks, worried.
    I don’t hear his reply as my legs suddenly give out from under me. But he knows. I’m getting a vision. And as the white light surrounding me dims, my eyes roll up and I get a sense of falling backwards into another place, far, far away.

THE SHADOW – available in Paperback & E-book, is out in 14 days

Keep up to date with Marianne on her website:
Twitter and Instagram: @Marianne_Curley

Marianne’s books:
Old Magic |The Named |The Dark |The Key| Hidden |Broken |Fearless  The Shadow


The Countdown Begins to the Release of: THE SHADOW

The Shadow Cover After a glitch on Amazon that was entirely of my own making that saw six lucky readers purchase their copy of The Shadow early, the countdown now begins to the official release of The Guardians of Time Book 4 – The Shadow.

The Shadow will be released on March 10, 2018. That’s a countdown of only 26 days from today. So after the long wait for it, the fourth book in the Guardians of Time Series  will arrive in only 26 days. 

You will be able to purchase The Shadow in paperback and as an e-book at all the usual places. I’ll have more details as the date draws nearer. So mark your calendars and start ticking off the days, the next instalment of The Guardians of Time Series is about to land. 

It’s so exciting that even my dog Pixie could hardly drag her eyes off a copy of the proof. I had to call her a dozen times before she would look at me. 

Pixie reading shadow 1

Remember you can find me on the links below, and please also remember to share this post so we can spread the word that The Shadow is arriving in bookstores on the 10th day of March, 2018. 





A Scene Adapted from Old Magic by Marianne Curley

Hi Everyone

Some years ago, a producer named Sarah Usmen, a recent graduate at the time from a film school  in the US, approached me about making a film of Old Magic. She had very little financing to pull it off but she had enthusiasm and friends, mostly other graduates, who were happy to work on the movie just for the experience. They wrote a good script, held auditions for the roles of Kate and Jarrod, and with the idea of finding more funding, they filmed a scene.

The scene takes place after Jarrod is hurt in the classroom on his first day when a shard of jagged glass flies across the room and lodges in his arm. Kate volunteers to take him to Sick Bay but ends up taking him to her place.

Unfortunately the film didn’t go ahead and this clip is the only scene that was made. See what you think of it and feel free to let me know your thoughts. The Old Magic Adaptation Original Scene is on YouTube under the name of Queens of Waban.

There have been several offers to make my books into movies, and even a TV show, but unfortunately nothing has come of them yet. This scene is the closest any of my books have come to the silver screen.

Guardians of Time Book Four Notice

The Guardians of Time Book Four will be released within the next few months. A confirmed release date and the title will be announced very soon. Keep watching this space for more details.


The Guardians of Time Original Covers


“Hidden” Surprise Book Trailer

Hi everyone

I had a lovely surprise today when I was updating and checking on my writing playlists on YouTube and a book trailer appeared in my side feed. All it said was this: “ student-made book trailer.” This was accompanied by an image of a girl’s face in black and white. Over the years readers have surprised me with their sometimes extremely moving comments, and such things as dedicated art works, book covers, further chapters, and even complete sequels, as you may remember from one of my past featured blogs. Below is a cover for Old Magic that I love. It has a rich authentic Medieval look. It was designed by Jessica Castillo and the story behind it can be found at Jessica’s page here: Jessica Castillo’s Old Magic Cover

Old Magic Cover designed by Jessica Castillo

The Hidden book trailer caught my eye and when I viewed it, I couldn’t find the creator’s name other than “RavoLRC”. I would like to let the student who created this trailer know that I love her work and I sincerely hope she received a high mark for it. In case you’re wondering how I know the student was female, it’s because the project was from the school called Ravenswood in New South Wales, an all-girl high school.

If this book trailer of Hidden, Book I of The Avena Series, is your creation, please let me know. I would like to tell you that it was awesome. Click this link to see the Hidden Book Trailer:

Hidden Book Trailer



MARIANNE CURLEY DAILY, a Blog by Zuzana Citovská

Marianne's Books

Marianne’s Books


As a writer for many years there have been times when I’ve been impressed and humbled by what a reader has told me, shown me, or created in regards to my books and the characters within. It’s an absolute thrill and a truly humbling experience to know that my books have helped people through difficult times in their lives, or started them on their reading journey, moved them to the point of making videos, playlists, designing new covers, writing sequels or scripts, and creating works of art. I’m even thrilled when I see someone who has dyed their hair blue, even though 99.9 percent of the time it wasn’t because they wanted to look like Arkarian in The Guardians of Time!

Zuzana Citovská’s dedicated website Marianne Curley Daily continues to grow and display Zuzana’s many talents. Her love of my books and her interpretation of them using the images she’s put together is a wonderful tribute.

I highlighted Marianne Curley Daily some months back, but when I visited it again recently I knew I had to give it another plug so Zuzaná’s imagery can be seen by many more, as it should be.

Thank you, Zuzaná. Your talent and dedication to my books inspires me.


The Guardians of Time Editions.jpg

Three Editions of the Guardians of Time





L.L. Hunter’s Release of Rebellious Heart, the Third Book in The Molten Heart Saga

Hi everyone

As you know I’ve been busy finishing off Book Four of the Guardians of Time Series, and while the manuscript is currently with the Proofreader, I finally had a moment to check out some new books coming out. Today I want to draw your attention to a book my good friend Laura L Hunter is having released today. It’s called Rebellious Heart and is the stunning conclusion to The Molten Heart Saga.

Rebellious Heart Cover

If you haven’t read this saga yet, now is a good time to start.

Four years after Skye became the youngest president in history, and returned precious resources to her people,
She had hoped this would mean the end of the war.
But there is still a threat.
An enemy once thought dead has returned from the grave to exact revenge, and he won’t rest until he gets what he wants.
In the quest to give herself some credibility despite her young age, and to defeat their enemy, Skye, Lukas and their friends devise a plan to distract their enemy using a decoy, while they go in for the kill.
But, when their plan goes south,
Lukas and Skye must do whatever it takes to save their people and the world from ruin.
Even if it means betraying those they love the most.

In the thrilling conclusion to the Molten Heart Saga,
When matters of the heart are concerned,
Risks will be taken.

She thought she’d found utopia. She was wrong.

Purchase links:

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:

L.L. Hunter is the author of over 20 published works, including The Legend of the Archangel Series and The Eden Chronicles. She has studied everything from veterinary nursing, forensic science, and dramatic arts, but has always known her true calling was to be an author. She has been writing since her teens – everything from fan fiction, to song lyrics, to plays and musicals. When not working on her next paranormal romance, she can be found at home in Australia, reading somewhere comfortable with one or both of her “fur babies.” Follow her on Facebook (, Twitter @llhunterbooks, and her blog –

Social Media:

Facebook Page:
Facebook reader group:
Instagram: @llhunter
