time travel

The Named is out, The Dark is Coming Soon

The Named is now released
The Guardians of Time Series
The Named in paperback and e-book are both now available from Amazon, with other stores to come on board in the days ahead. The next new edition from The Guardians of Time Series to be released will be The Dark. Watch for my notifications, because it will not be long. 
So far the covers have received a lot of love. Thank you to everyone who let me know what they think of them. I appreciate your efforts. Thank you also to those sharing the Facebook and Instagram posts around. Very kind of you all. Please keep doing so while the covers continue to be released.  
I can’t wait to have all four new editions on my bookshelf alongside the older editions. These covers are quite different to what has come before. They are focused more on the paranormal fantasy and time travel aspect. A different take that appealed to me. Thank you to the designer, Aliessa at AC Graphics.


I am giving away ONE Signed, Hardback, First Edition copy of OLD MAGIC. This book is one of only 500 printed in hardback and sold in the United Kingdom and Australia in the year 2000. Old Magic had many different covers, sold in many different languages, but it is now out of print. No more English-speaking copies will be produced, which makes this giveaway that much more special.

 Josie reading Old Magic 1aWith only ten days to go before this giveaway ends, do you have your entry in yet? This competition is open to anyone, anywhere in the world. It will run for three weeks from June 22, 2018, finishing at midnight on July 13, 2018.

To enter is simple. This is all you have to do:

  • Share this page on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Google, or any other social media site you like
  • Tag two people
  • Then send me an email at: marianne.curley7@gmail.com with the subject heading: Old Magic Competition, letting me know your name and that you have completed the task.

Your name will go into a barrel, and on the 13th of July, someone I trust will randomly select the winning entry. The winner will be notified by email and announced online. 

Good luck . . . Marianne

Old Magic Covers Four

Four Covers of Old Magic

A Page from The Shadow in Isabel’s View



Marianne Curley

The countdown continues, with only 14 days left until The Shadow is released on March 10, 2018.

The battle is over.  The war is won.  The prophecy complete.


The Shadow Cover Every time I look at Ethan my heart aches. He’s so broken up, it’s killing him. And I foresaw Rochelle’s death in a vision. I knew how it was going to happen, just not when. I should have stayed closer to her. I would have recognized signs. She’d still be alive today if I’d done my job right. I can’t let it go. The guilt is eating at me.
    Then there’s Arkarian keeping things from me. Where did he go these last few days? Why doesn’t he let me into his personal life? Doesn’t he trust me anymore? Love and trust go together. Without one, the other doesn’t exist.
    Jimmy waits until we have our backpacks on and hard hats fastened before he starts the lift. With the door shut, a mildew smell makes me want to hold my breath. The lift drops only a few meters before it jerks to a sudden stop, knocking us against each other. Dust fills the cabin space and hangs in the air. As Jimmy gets the lift going again Neriah’s hand reaches for mine.
    A sudden bright light that has nothing to do with being in a bumpy, fast-dropping lift flashes before my eyes, making my head throb. I groan, alarming both Neriah and Jimmy. I lift my hands to indicate that I’m all right, but the light rapidly becomes too bright to bear and the ache so fierce I tug at my hard-hat needing to get it off, but my fingers struggle with the fastener.
    ‘Whoa there, girl. Let me do that.’ Jimmy gets it off fast.
    ‘What’s happening, Jimmy?’ Neriah asks, worried.
    I don’t hear his reply as my legs suddenly give out from under me. But he knows. I’m getting a vision. And as the white light surrounding me dims, my eyes roll up and I get a sense of falling backwards into another place, far, far away.

THE SHADOW – available in Paperback & E-book, is out in 14 days

Keep up to date with Marianne on her website: https://mariannecurley7.com/
E: marianne.curley7@gmail.com
Twitter and Instagram: @Marianne_Curley
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarianneCurleyAuthor/

Marianne’s books:
Old Magic |The Named |The Dark |The Key| Hidden |Broken |Fearless  The Shadow


Writing Advice for Time Travel, Fantasy and the Sci Fi Genre

Question from a Reader

Dear Ms Curley, I was wondering what is your advice for future writers? I am an aspiring writer especially regarding time travel, fantasy, and science fiction genre. I am hoping for some tips as I desire to become better. Yours always, (name supplied)

As a new writer I would advise to research well and read widely. In writing time travel, fantasy and science fiction it’s imperative that you know what you’re writing about, see how other authors have done what you’re planning to do in your novel. For instance, with the time-slip, will you use an amazing invention like a time machine, or as I did in the Guardians of Time, through the unconscious mind of sleep (with the help of Arkarian of course), or will your characters walk through a “special” door, or will it be something ultra-scientific that might use quantum physics. Whatever you decide research the theories so your technique and your characters come off sounding believable.


I also advise to research well the historical periods your characters slip back to, make them as accurate as you can.

 Scientific websites are a good place to start researching and learning about new worlds, if that is what you intend, like Earth in a parallel universe. Useful websites I’ve found include NASA, How Stuff Works, Science Daily and the Smithsonian, to name a few. If your characters time travel back into Earth time, those times and places will need to be accurate. If you’re writing about an alien world, or Earth in a parallel universe, you have more scope to be imaginative, but once your world is established, you will still need to adhere to the rules you have created for that world.

If you have a question on writing you can reach me here on my website, or at:  marianne.curley7@gmail.com

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