The Named is out, The Dark is Coming Soon

The Named is now released
The Guardians of Time Series
The Named in paperback and e-book are both now available from Amazon, with other stores to come on board in the days ahead. The next new edition from The Guardians of Time Series to be released will be The Dark. Watch for my notifications, because it will not be long. 
So far the covers have received a lot of love. Thank you to everyone who let me know what they think of them. I appreciate your efforts. Thank you also to those sharing the Facebook and Instagram posts around. Very kind of you all. Please keep doing so while the covers continue to be released.  
I can’t wait to have all four new editions on my bookshelf alongside the older editions. These covers are quite different to what has come before. They are focused more on the paranormal fantasy and time travel aspect. A different take that appealed to me. Thank you to the designer, Aliessa at AC Graphics.


  1. Will The Key be available to purchase through Kindle? I am in the United States and I am able to purchase books 1, 2, and 4 but book 3 is not available. I apologize if I am missing the information somewhere but I love your books and I need to use my kindle because of poor eye sight.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Tyler

      The Key will be coming out on Amazon very soon, and even The Shadow B4 will have a new matching cover a week or two after The Key is released in its new cover. The idea was to bring out all four books of this series in all-new fantasy covers. All matching.

      Thanks for checking. I’m sorry to hear of your poor eye sight. Kindle is great for helping to overcome those kinds of difficulties.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for the quick response! That is great to hear, I am glad to know I will be able to get the complete series on Kindle. I just recently found out you released a fourth book continuing the story and wanted to reread the original trilogy before reading the new book. All kinds of good news lately. Keep up the good work!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello, I’m a fan.Very much I love your books.However, there is a problem…I’m a Turk and I don’t know how to read professionally. 4 from the Guardians of the time series. I really want your book.Can’t you translate your book into a publishing house in Turkey?


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