Josie reading 1 of many

This is the beginning of my FAQ page. I will put up more of the many questions that readers have asked me as time allows. One of my most frequently asked question is always about sequels.

Is there a sequel for Old Magic?

Sorry to everyone who wants a sequel for Old Magic, there is no sequel and none in the planning. I hate to say never, because no one knows the future, but when I finished writing Old Magic I felt strongly in my heart that Kate and Jarrod had resolved all their difficulties and were very happy. Yes, I would have liked to see Jarrod take Kate to the dance. In fact, when I was writing I could visualise their children, what powers they had, the life he or she (or both) would lead. So if there ever were to be a sequel, it would likely be with Kate and Jarrod’s children. Hmm, that gives me an idea . . .

old magic

Old Magic 2012 Edition

Is there going to be a fourth volume in the Guardians of Time Series – The Named, The Dark and The Key?

I’ve always thought it very important for an author to know when to end a novel, and I have to admit that when I finished writing The Key, I did not feel as if the series had a complete ending. If I had I not fallen seriously ill and was unable to write again for a several years, there may have been a fourth book in this series by now. But that wasn’t the case and today more than a decade has passed, and I will admit that the passage of that much time makes me nervous. Having confessed my deepest fear in this regard, I do have a plan and I do have the heart to write the Guardians of Time Book 4 and will let you know how it goes.

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How did I find an agent?

It was a long time ago now, and times have certainly changed, but I remember looking at a list of agents in my home state (at the time was New South Wales) from a pamphlet published by the New South Wales Writer’s Centre, and I selected three agencies who handled young adult fiction. I followed their advice on their website and sent them the first 30 pages with a covering letter and brief Synopsis. One agency didn’t reply at all, one said they would read it for a fee but give no feedback, but luckily for me the third agent asked for the rest of the book. After reading it he signed me up. I’m still with this agency today.

Where do I get my inspiration?

Inspiration is all around us. It could be a story someone is telling me that happened to a friend that sets off a light bulb in my head and I will race to write the idea down in my notebook. But at other times I will put my headphones on, listen to music, and let my mind wander. I also love looking at photos. Photos inspire my imagination. They can be of people, animals, places or anything interesting, amazing or unusual. That’s why I love Pinterest so much. I have 15.8 thousand pins on nearly 200 boards. You can take a look at my Pinterest Collection at this link and see if any of them inspire you –

Do you have any advice for teenagers who are finding their teen years difficult?

Never give up! There are two reasons why you should never give up. The first is that whatever craziness or darkness is presently in your life, one day I promise you it will pass. Time is a miracle healer. It cures. It forgets. It releases. It gives you perspective and objectivity. And it makes problems disappear.


And the second thing is that you just don’t know what’s around the corner. It could be today or tomorrow that your life suddenly changes. It will happen: especially if there is something you can do for yourself to improve your situation. That could mean talking to someone you trust, or finding a part time job, or enrolling in a course – art, music, writing, truck-driving, whatever excites you.

You could join a writer’s group, or similar, or perhaps volunteer at a local charity, a homeless shelter, a pet recovery centre, or a hospital. It all comes down to keeping your dream going, whatever your dream might be. It’s the dreams that give us hope and pull us out of bed in the mornings.

Whatever is going on in your life today, don’t ever give up, it could be tomorrow that your situation changes for the better.

As an author for young adults, are there any subjects about which you would never write?

I can’t think of any subject I wouldn’t write as long as there’s a good reason to write it.

Would you consider writing books for adults?

I would consider it, but I don’t have plans for one at the moment. But I have to say, as it is with most young adult books, the people who read them are all different ages. My oldest reader (that I know of) was 94. My youngest was 10.

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