Hello everyone! Today, here in Australia it’s the 10th of March, 2018 and the official release day of The Guardians of Time Series, Book IV, THE SHADOW. Only… in the United States, Canada, Great Britain and many other countries the day is still Friday the 9th, the day before the official release day. So I decided to celebrate the end of the count down now, and tomorrow. Or, you could just say, all weekend.


The best place to purchase The Shadow is from Amazon in the country you’re ordering from, such as Amazon USA, Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Spain, and so forth. In Amazon Australia, only the E-book is available at the moment, but the paperback should be available from soon. 


I’ve been asked about a playlist. We all have such different tastes in music, and because I wrote The Shadow over two years, I added and removed songs all the time. This link is to my Golden Oldies Playlist, which I listened to during my latter editing stages. 

Golden Oldies for Nostalgia and Easy Listening



Some of you have asked for a signed copy of The Shadow. I’m always happy to sign your books. That’s one of the reasons I’m delighted to be participating as a guest writer at the Gold Coast Supanova Comic Con and Gaming Event in April. It’s always fun and a great place to sign books and chat with readers, not to mention seeing the parade of dressed-up costumes on display. But if you can’t come to GC Supanova on April 28 and 29, there is another way to have your new book signed. Here is my email address.

Email:  woman-typing-writing-windows.jpg

Write to me with the subject heading SIGNED BOOK and let me know what country you are from, and I will get back to you with the details to make this happen.


I have been collecting Pins for so long now I can’t remember how many years ago I started. I loved Pinterest from my first introduction to the site. Below is the link to my Pinterest Boards page. From there you can check out any or all of my boards, such as my Books boards, including one called: “Books – The Guardians of Time Books 1, 2, 3 and 4”.

Marianne’s Pinterest Boards

So before I end this blog post, I want to say a big thank you to you all. Without you, the beautiful souls you are for loving my characters and coming on this amazing journey with me, my life would not be so fulfilled right now, my heart not so overflowing. I hope you enjoy spending some time with The Guard and The Order, the new and the old. Feel free to put up your reviews. Your honest opinion is important to me. 

Group shot 8a





  1. Congratulations, Marianne! I’m so happy for you! Fabulous playlist you’ve got there too. Interesting to see what inspired you. Enjoy your release weekend! xxx


    1. Hi Vanessa

      Thank you! It’s been two years since I first started writing The Shadow. The finished manuscript spent three months with a publisher before they told me they wouldn’t publish a fourth book, while my original publisher would not even look at the manuscript, refusing outright to read it. So my only avenue left was to self-publish and I chose Amazon’s CreateSpace. I went for it with my fingers crossed and a lot of researching on how to make it happen. I’m just sad that bookshops won’t stock it, but for now it’s the best I can do.

      I hope you are going well, and all of yours.

      I started listening to some of the songs on this playlist after you put up a few songs from the 80’s that triggered memories for me. So… thank you, Vanessa!

      Warm wishes
      Marianne xxx


      1. I’m so happy for you Marianne, and shame on those publishers refusing to read The Shadow. I have loved the Guardians of Time since the Named came out. I cannot wait to read this next installment. Good for you for self publishing!!


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